UTOC Volunteering @ St. Thomas

This Friday March 3rd UTOC members volunteered at St. Thomas's Church on campus during their weekly Friday Food Ministry. Each week the church serves 50-100 people in the evening, and this time chili, vegetables, salad and an ice cream sandwich was on the menu.

UTOCers provided support from 3pm-8pm in a multitude of tasks. A group volunteered from 3pm-5pm preparing and cooking the meal. Another group supported by packing the meals and setting up the dining hall from 5pm-6pm. And a final group served the meal and cleaned up the hall from 6pm-8pm. Everything ran smoothly, and the church organizers were glad to have UTOC's support on Friday evening.

The service itself is run by Rev. James Shire who manages about 15 volunteers every week. With UTOC members and execs donating their time, the regular volunteers got a chance to take a break this go round! The Friday Food Ministry runs every week, and you can contact James at his email: fridayfoodministry@gmail.com .

Thanks again to the UTOCers who turned out this time, and we hope in the future UTOC will keep this opportunity in their back pocket for an easy and worthwhile activity. After all, the church is located just north of UTOC's Sussex Clubhouse at 383 Huron Street.